Streaming Custom Data

It is often useful to send additional data alongside the model's response. For example, you may want to send status information, the message ids after storing them, or references to content that the language model is referring to.

The AI SDK provides several helpers that allows you to stream additional data to the client and attach it either to the Message or to the data object of the useChat hook:

  • createDataStream: creates a data stream
  • createDataStreamResponse: creates a response object that streams data
  • pipeDataStreamToResponse: pipes a data stream to a server response object

The data is streamed as part of the response stream.

Sending Custom Data from the Server

In your server-side route handler, you can use createDataStreamResponse and pipeDataStreamToResponse in combination with streamText. You need to:

  1. Call createDataStreamResponse or pipeDataStreamToResponse to get a callback function with a DataStreamWriter.
  2. Write to the DataStreamWriter to stream additional data.
  3. Merge the streamText result into the DataStreamWriter.
  4. Return the response from createDataStreamResponse (if that method is used)

Here is an example:

import { openai } from '@ai-sdk/openai';
import { generateId, createDataStreamResponse, streamText } from 'ai';
export async function POST(req: Request) {
const { messages } = await req.json();
// immediately start streaming (solves RAG issues with status, etc.)
return createDataStreamResponse({
execute: dataStream => {
dataStream.writeData('initialized call');
const result = streamText({
model: openai('gpt-4o'),
onChunk() {
dataStream.writeMessageAnnotation({ chunk: '123' });
onFinish() {
// message annotation:
id: generateId(), // e.g. id from saved DB record
other: 'information',
// call annotation:
dataStream.writeData('call completed');
onError: error => {
// Error messages are masked by default for security reasons.
// If you want to expose the error message to the client, you can do so here:
return error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error);

You can also send stream data from custom backends, e.g. Python / FastAPI, using the Data Stream Protocol.

Sending Custom Sources

You can send custom sources to the client using the writeSource method on the DataStreamWriter:

import { openai } from '@ai-sdk/openai';
import { createDataStreamResponse, streamText } from 'ai';
export async function POST(req: Request) {
const { messages } = await req.json();
return createDataStreamResponse({
execute: dataStream => {
// write a custom url source to the stream:
sourceType: 'url',
id: 'source-1',
url: '',
title: 'Example Source',
const result = streamText({
model: openai('gpt-4o'),

Processing Custom Data in useChat

The useChat hook automatically processes the streamed data and makes it available to you.

Accessing Data

On the client, you can destructure data from the useChat hook which stores all StreamData as a JSONValue[].

import { useChat } from '@ai-sdk/react';
const { data } = useChat();

Accessing Message Annotations

Each message from the useChat hook has an optional annotations property that contains the message annotations sent from the server.

Since the shape of the annotations depends on what you send from the server, you have to destructure them in a type-safe way on the client side.

Here we just show the annotations as a JSON string:

import { Message, useChat } from '@ai-sdk/react';
const { messages } = useChat();
const result = (
{messages?.map((m: Message) => (
<div key={}>
{m.annotations && <>{JSON.stringify(m.annotations)}</>}

Updating and Clearing Data

You can update and clear the data object of the useChat hook using the setData function.

const { setData } = useChat();
// clear existing data
// set new data
setData([{ test: 'value' }]);
// transform existing data, e.g. adding additional values:
setData(currentData => [...currentData, { test: 'value' }]);

Example: Clear on Submit

'use client';
import { Message, useChat } from '@ai-sdk/react';
export default function Chat() {
const { messages, input, handleInputChange, handleSubmit, data, setData } =
return (
{data && <pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>}
{messages?.map((m: Message) => (
<div key={}>{`${m.role}: ${m.content}`}</div>
onSubmit={e => {
setData(undefined); // clear stream data
<input value={input} onChange={handleInputChange} />