AI SDK CoreProvider Management

Provider Management

Provider management is an experimental feature.

When you work with multiple providers and models, it is often desirable to manage them in a central place and access the models through simple string ids.

The AI SDK offers custom providers and a provider registry for this purpose. With custom providers, you can pre-configure model settings, provide model name aliases, and limit the available models . The provider registry lets you mix multiple providers and access them through simple string ids.

Custom Providers

You can create a custom provider using experimental_customProvider.

Example: custom model settings

You might want to override the default model settings for a provider or provide model name aliases with pre-configured settings.

import { openai as originalOpenAI } from '@ai-sdk/openai';
import { experimental_customProvider as customProvider } from 'ai';
// custom provider with different model settings:
export const openai = customProvider({
languageModels: {
// replacement model with custom settings:
'gpt-4o': originalOpenAI('gpt-4o', { structuredOutputs: true }),
// alias model with custom settings:
'gpt-4o-mini-structured': originalOpenAI('gpt-4o-mini', {
structuredOutputs: true,
fallbackProvider: originalOpenAI,

Example: model name alias

You can also provide model name aliases, so you can update the model version in one place in the future:

import { anthropic as originalAnthropic } from '@ai-sdk/anthropic';
import { experimental_customProvider as customProvider } from 'ai';
// custom provider with alias names:
export const anthropic = customProvider({
languageModels: {
opus: originalAnthropic('claude-3-opus-20240229'),
sonnet: originalAnthropic('claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620'),
haiku: originalAnthropic('claude-3-haiku-20240307'),
fallbackProvider: originalAnthropic,

Example: limit available models

You can limit the available models in the system, even if you have multiple providers.

import { anthropic } from '@ai-sdk/anthropic';
import { openai } from '@ai-sdk/openai';
import { experimental_customProvider as customProvider } from 'ai';
export const myProvider = customProvider({
languageModels: {
'text-medium': anthropic('claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620'),
'text-small': openai('gpt-4o-mini'),
'structure-medium': openai('gpt-4o', { structuredOutputs: true }),
'structure-fast': openai('gpt-4o-mini', { structuredOutputs: true }),
embeddingModels: {
emdedding: openai.textEmbeddingModel('text-embedding-3-small'),
// no fallback provider

Provider Registry

You can create a provider registry with multiple providers and models using experimental_createProviderRegistry.

Example: Setup

import { anthropic } from '@ai-sdk/anthropic';
import { createOpenAI } from '@ai-sdk/openai';
import { experimental_createProviderRegistry as createProviderRegistry } from 'ai';
export const registry = createProviderRegistry({
// register provider with prefix and default setup:
// register provider with prefix and custom setup:
openai: createOpenAI({
apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,

Example: Use language models

You can access language models by using the languageModel method on the registry. The provider id will become the prefix of the model id: providerId:modelId.

import { generateText } from 'ai';
import { registry } from './registry';
const { text } = await generateText({
model: registry.languageModel('openai:gpt-4-turbo'),
prompt: 'Invent a new holiday and describe its traditions.',

Example: Use text embedding models

You can access text embedding models by using the textEmbeddingModel method on the registry. The provider id will become the prefix of the model id: providerId:modelId.

import { embed } from 'ai';
import { registry } from './registry';
const { embedding } = await embed({
model: registry.textEmbeddingModel('openai:text-embedding-3-small'),
value: 'sunny day at the beach',