AI SDK CorecreateProviderRegistry


Provider management is an experimental feature.

When you work with multiple providers and models, it is often desirable to manage them in a central place and access the models through simple string ids.

createProviderRegistry lets you create a registry with multiple providers that you can access by their ids in the format providerId:modelId.


You can create a registry with multiple providers and models using experimental_createProviderRegistry.

import { anthropic } from '@ai-sdk/anthropic';
import { createOpenAI } from '@ai-sdk/openai';
import { experimental_createProviderRegistry as createProviderRegistry } from 'ai';
export const registry = createProviderRegistry({
// register provider with prefix and default setup:
// register provider with prefix and custom setup:
openai: createOpenAI({
apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,

Language models

You can access language models by using the languageModel method on the registry. The provider id will become the prefix of the model id: providerId:modelId.

import { generateText } from 'ai';
import { registry } from './registry';
const { text } = await generateText({
model: registry.languageModel('openai:gpt-4-turbo'),
prompt: 'Invent a new holiday and describe its traditions.',

Text embedding models

You can access text embedding models by using the textEmbeddingModel method on the registry. The provider id will become the prefix of the model id: providerId:modelId.

import { embed } from 'ai';
import { registry } from './registry';
const { embedding } = await embed({
model: registry.textEmbeddingModel('openai:text-embedding-3-small'),
value: 'sunny day at the beach',


import { experimental_createProviderRegistry as createProviderRegistry } from "ai"

API Signature



Record<string, Provider>
The unique identifier for the provider. It should be unique within the registry.


(id: string) => LanguageModel
A function that returns a language model by its id.


(id: string) => EmbeddingModel<string>
A function that returns a text embedding model by its id.


The createProviderRegistry function returns a Provider instance. It has the following methods:


(id: string) => LanguageModel
A function that returns a language model by its id (format: providerId:modelId)


(id: string) => EmbeddingModel<string>
A function that returns a text embedding model by its id (format: providerId:modelId)