Migration GuideMigrate 3.1 to 3.2

Migration Guide (3.1 to 3.2)

This guide will help you upgrade to Vercel AI SDK 3.2:

  • Experimental StreamingReactResponse functionality has been removed
  • Several features have been deprecated
  • UI framework integrations have moved to their own Node modules


Vercel AI SDK

To update to Vercel AI SDK version 3.2, run the following command using your preferred package manager:

pnpm install ai@latest

Removed Functionality

The experimental StreamingReactResponse has been removed. You can use AI SDK RSC to build streaming UIs.

Deprecated Functionality

The nanoid export has been deprecated. Please use generateId instead.

UI Package Separation

AI SDK UI supports several frameworks: React, Svelte, Vue.js, and SolidJS.

The integrations (other than React and RSC) have moved to separate Node modules. You need to update the import and require statements as follows:

  • Change ai/svelte to @ai-sdk/svelte
  • Change ai/vue to @ai-sdk/vue
  • Change ai/solid to @ai-sdk/solid

The old exports are still available but will be removed in a future release.