
This error occurs when the AI provider fails to generate a parsable object that conforms to the schema. It can arise due to the following reasons:

  • The model failed to generate a response.
  • The model generated a response that could not be parsed.
  • The model generated a response that could not be validated against the schema.


  • message: The error message.
  • text: The text that was generated by the model. This can be the raw text or the tool call text, depending on the object generation mode.
  • response: Metadata about the language model response, including response id, timestamp, and model.
  • usage: Request token usage.
  • cause: The cause of the error (e.g. a JSON parsing error). You can use this for more detailed error handling.

Checking for this Error

You can check if an error is an instance of AI_NoObjectGeneratedError using:

import { generateObject, NoObjectGeneratedError } from 'ai';
try {
await generateObject({ model, schema, prompt });
} catch (error) {
if (NoObjectGeneratedError.isInstance(error)) {
console.log('Cause:', error.cause);
console.log('Text:', error.text);
console.log('Response:', error.response);
console.log('Usage:', error.usage);