Crosshatch Provider

The Crosshatch provider supports secure inference from popular language models with permissioned access to data users share, giving responses personalized with complete user context.

It creates language model objects that can be used with the generateText, streamText, generateObject and streamObject functions.


The Crosshatch provider is available via the @crosshatch/ai-provider module. You can install it with:

pnpm add @crosshatch/ai-provider

The Crosshatch provider supports all of their available models such as OpenAI's GPT and Anthropic's Claude. This provider also supports the querying interface for controlling Crosshatch's custom data integration behaviors. This provider wraps the existing underlying providers (@ai-sdk/openai, @ai-sdk/anthropic.


The Crosshatch provider is authenticated by user-specific tokens, enabling permissioned access to personalized inference.

You can obtain synthetic and test user tokens from the your Crosshatch developer dashboard.

Production user tokens are provisioned and accessed with the Link SDK using your Crosshatch developer client id.

Provider Instance

To create a Crosshatch provider instance, use the createCrosshatch function:

import createCrosshatch from '@crosshatch/ai-provider';

Language Models

You can create Crosshatch models using a provider instance.

import { createCrosshatch } from '@crosshatch/ai-provider';
const crosshatch = createCrosshatch();

To create a model instance, call the provider instance and specify the model you would like to use in the first argument. In the second argument, specify the user auth token, desired context, and model arguments. You can use Crosshatch to get generated text based on permissioned user context and your favorite language model.

Example: Generate Text with Context

This example uses gpt-4o-mini to generate text.

import { generateText } from 'ai';
import createCrosshatch from '@crosshatch/ai-provider':
const crosshatch = createCrosshatch();
const { text } = await generateText({
model: crosshatch.languageModel("gpt-4o-mini", {
replace: {
restaurants: {
select: ["entity_name", "entity_city", "entity_region"],
from: "personalTimeline",
where: [
{ field: "event", op: "=", value: "confirmed" },
{ field: "entity_subtype2", op: "=", value: "RESTAURANTS" }
groupby: ["entity_name", "entity_city", "entity_region"],
orderby: "count DESC",
limit: 5
system: `The user recently ate at these restaurants: {restaurants}`,
messages: [{role: "user", content: "Where should I stay in Paris?"}]

Example: Recommend Items based on Context

Use crosshatch to re-rank items based on recent user purchases.

import { streamObject } from 'ai';
import createCrosshatch from `@crosshatch/ai-provider`
const crosshatch = createCrosshatch();
const itemSummaries = [...]; // list of items
const ids = (itemSummaries?.map(({ itemId }) => itemId) ?? []) as string[];
const { elementStream } = streamObject({
output: "array",
mode: "json",
model: crosshatch.languageModel("gpt-4o-mini", {
replace: {
"orders": {
select: ["originalTimestamp", "entity_name", "order_total", "order_summary"],
from: "personalTimeline",
where: [{ field: "event", op: "=", value: "purchased" }],
orderBy: [{ field: "originalTimestamp", dir: "desc" }],
limit: 5,
system: `Rerank the following items based on alignment with users recent purchases {orders}`,
messages: [{role: "user", content: "Heres a list of item: ${JSON.stringify(itemSummaries)"},],
schema: jsonSchema<{ id: string; reason: string }>({
type: "object",
properties: {
id: { type: "string", enum: ids },
reason: { type: "string", description: "Explain your ranking." },