Writing a Custom Provider

The AI SDK provides a Language Model Specification. You can write your own provider that adheres to the specification and it will be compatible with the AI SDK.

You can find the Language Model Specification in the AI SDK repository. It can be imported from '@ai-sdk/provider'. We also provide utilities that make it easier to implement a custom provider. You can find them in the @ai-sdk/provider-utils package (source code).

If you open-source a provider, we'd love to promote it here. Please send us a PR to add it to the Community Providers section.

Provider Implementation Guide

Implementing a custom language model provider involves several steps:

  • Creating an entry point
  • Adding a language model implementation
  • Mapping the input (prompt, tools, settings)
  • Processing the results (generate, streaming, tool calls)
  • Supporting object generation

The best way to get started is to copy a reference implementation and modify it to fit your needs. Check out the Mistral reference implementation to see how the project is structured, and feel free to copy the setup.

Creating an Entry Point

Each AI SDK provider should follow the pattern of using a factory function that returns a provider instance and provide a default instance.

import {
} from '@ai-sdk/provider-utils';
import { CustomChatLanguageModel } from './custom-chat-language-model';
import { CustomChatModelId, CustomChatSettings } from './custom-chat-settings';
// model factory function with additional methods and properties
export interface CustomProvider {
modelId: CustomChatModelId,
settings?: CustomChatSettings,
): CustomChatLanguageModel;
// explicit method for targeting a specific API in case there are several
modelId: CustomChatModelId,
settings?: CustomChatSettings,
): CustomChatLanguageModel;
// optional settings for the provider
export interface CustomProviderSettings {
Use a different URL prefix for API calls, e.g. to use proxy servers.
baseURL?: string;
API key.
apiKey?: string;
Custom headers to include in the requests.
headers?: Record<string, string>;
// provider factory function
export function createCustomProvider(
options: CustomProviderSettings = {},
): CustomProvider {
const createModel = (
modelId: CustomChatModelId,
settings: CustomChatSettings = {},
) =>
new CustomChatLanguageModel(modelId, settings, {
provider: 'custom.chat',
withoutTrailingSlash(options.baseURL) ?? 'https://custom.ai/api/v1',
headers: () => ({
Authorization: `Bearer ${loadApiKey({
apiKey: options.apiKey,
environmentVariableName: 'CUSTOM_API_KEY',
description: 'Custom Provider',
generateId: options.generateId ?? generateId,
const provider = function (
modelId: CustomChatModelId,
settings?: CustomChatSettings,
) {
if (new.target) {
throw new Error(
'The model factory function cannot be called with the new keyword.',
return createModel(modelId, settings);
provider.chat = createModel;
return provider;
* Default custom provider instance.
export const customProvider = createCustomProvider();

Implementing the Language Model

A language model needs to implement:

  • metadata fields
    • specificationVersion: 'v1' - always 'v1'
    • provider: string - name of the provider
    • modelId: string - unique identifier of the model
    • defaultObjectGenerationMode - default object generation mode, e.g. "json"
  • doGenerate method
  • doStream method

Check out the Mistral language model as an example.

At a high level, both doGenerate and doStream methods should:

  1. Map the prompt and the settings to the format required by the provider API. This can be extracted, e.g. the Mistral provider contains a getArgs method.
  2. Call the provider API. You could e.g. use fetch calls or a library offered by the provider.
  3. Process the results. You need to convert the response to the format required by the AI SDK.


The AI SDK provides standardized errors that should be used by providers where possible. This will make it easy for user to debug them.

Retries, timeouts, and abort signals

The AI SDK will handle retries, timeouts, and aborting requests in a unified way. The model classes should not implement retries or timeouts themselves. Instead, they should use the abortSignal parameter to determine when the call should be aborted, and they should throw ApiCallErrors (or similar) with a correct isRetryable flag when errors such as network errors occur.