Zhipu AI Provider

Zhipu AI Provider is a community provider for the AI SDK. It enables seamless integration with GLM and Embedding Models provided on bigmodel.cn by ZhipuAI.


pnpm add zhipu-ai-provider

Set up your .env file / environment with your API key.


Provider Instance

You can import the default provider instance zhipu from zhipu-ai-provider (This automatically reads the API key from the environment variable ZHIPU_API_KEY):

import { zhipu } from 'zhipu-ai-provider';

Alternatively, you can create a provider instance with custom configuration with createZhipu:

import { createZhipu } from 'zhipu-ai-provider';
const zhipu = createZhipu({
baseURL: 'https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4',
apiKey: 'your-api-key',

You can use the following optional settings to customize the Zhipu provider instance:

  • baseURL: string

    • Use a different URL prefix for API calls, e.g. to use proxy servers. The default prefix is https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4.
  • apiKey: string

    • Your API key for Zhipu BigModel Platform. If not provided, the provider will attempt to read the API key from the environment variable ZHIPU_API_KEY.
  • headers: Record<string, string>

    • Custom headers to include in the requests.


import { zhipu } from 'zhipu-ai-provider';
const { text } = await generateText({
model: zhipu('glm-4-plus'),
prompt: 'Why is the sky blue?',
