Ollama Provider

sgomez/ollama-ai-provider is a community provider that uses Ollama to provide language model support for the Vercel AI SDK.


The Ollama provider is available in the ollama-ai-provider module. You can install it with

pnpm install ollama-ai-provider

Provider Instance

You can import the default provider instance ollama from ollama-ai-provider:

import { ollama } from 'ollama-ai-provider';

If you need a customized setup, you can import createOllama from ollama-ai-provider and create a provider instance with your settings:

import { createOllama } from 'ollama-ai-provider';
const ollama = createOllama({
// custom settings

You can use the following optional settings to customize the Ollama provider instance:

  • baseURL string

Use a different URL prefix for API calls, e.g., to use proxy servers. The default prefix is http://localhost:11434/api.

Language Models

You can create models that call the Ollama Chat Completion API using the provider instance. The first argument is the model id, e.g. phi3. Some models have multi-modal capabilities.

const model = ollama('phi3');

You can find more models on the Ollama Library homepage.

Model Capabilities

This provider is capable of generating and streaming text and objects. Image input depends on models with multi-modal capabilities.

Embedding Models

You can create models that call the Ollama embeddings API using the .embedding() factory method.

const model = ollama.embedding('nomic-embed-text');