LM Studio Provider

LM Studio is user interface for running local models.

It contains an OpenAI compatible API server that you can use with the AI SDK. You can start the local server under the Local Server tab in the LM Studio UI ("Start Server" button).


The LM Studio provider is available via the @ai-sdk/openai module as it is compatible with the OpenAI API. You can install it with

pnpm add @ai-sdk/openai

Provider Instance

To use LM Studio, you can create a custom provider instance with the createOpenAI function from @ai-sdk/openai:

import { createOpenAI } from '@ai-sdk/openai';
const lmstudio = createOpenAI({
name: 'lmstudio',
baseURL: 'http://localhost:1234/v1',
maxRetries: 1, // immediately error if the server is not running

LM Studio uses port 1234 by default, but you can change in the app's Local Server tab.

Language Models

You can interact with local LLMs in LM Studio using a provider instance. The first argument is the model id, e.g. llama-3.2-1b.

const model = lmstudio('llama-3.2-1b');
To be able to use a model, you need to download it first.


You can use LM Studio language models to generate text with the generateText function:

import { createOpenAI } from '@ai-sdk/openai';
import { generateText } from 'ai';
const lmstudio = createOpenAI({
name: 'lmstudio',
apiKey: 'not-needed',
baseURL: 'https://localhost:1234/v1',
const { text } = await generateText({
model: lmstudio('llama-3.2-1b'),
prompt: 'Write a vegetarian lasagna recipe for 4 people.',

LM Studio language models can also be used with streamText.

Embedding Models

You can create models that call the LM Studio embeddings API using the .embedding() factory method.

const model = lmstudio.embedding('text-embedding-nomic-embed-text-v1.5');

Example - Embedding a Single Value

import { createOpenAI } from '@ai-sdk/openai';
import { embed } from 'ai';
const lmstudio = createOpenAI({
name: 'lmstudio',
apiKey: 'not-needed',
baseURL: 'https://localhost:1234/v1',
// 'embedding' is a single embedding object (number[])
const { embedding } = await embed({
model: lmstudio.embedding('text-embedding-nomic-embed-text-v1.5'),
value: 'sunny day at the beach',

Example - Embedding Many Values

When loading data, e.g. when preparing a data store for retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), it is often useful to embed many values at once (batch embedding).

The AI SDK provides the embedMany function for this purpose. Similar to embed, you can use it with embeddings models, e.g. lmstudio.embedding('text-embedding-nomic-embed-text-v1.5') or lmstudio.embedding('text-embedding-bge-small-en-v1.5').

import { createOpenAI } from '@ai-sdk/openai';
import { embedMany } from 'ai';
// 'embeddings' is an array of embedding objects (number[][]).
// It is sorted in the same order as the input values.
const { embeddings } = await embedMany({
model: lmstudio.embedding('text-embedding-nomic-embed-text-v1.5'),
values: [
'sunny day at the beach',
'rainy afternoon in the city',
'snowy night in the mountains',