Vercel AI SDK

The Vercel AI SDK is the TypeScript toolkit designed to help developers build AI-powered applications with React, Next.js, Vue, Svelte, Node.js, and more.

Why use the Vercel AI SDK?

Integrating large language models (LLMs) into applications is complicated and heavily dependent on the specific model provider you use.

The Vercel AI SDK abstracts away the differences between model providers, eliminates boilerplate code for building chatbots, and allows you to go beyond text output to generate rich, interactive components.

  • AI SDK Core: A unified API for generating text, structured objects, and tool calls with LLMs.
  • AI SDK UI: A set of framework-agnostic hooks for quickly building chat and generative user interface.
  • AI SDK RSC: A library to stream generative user interfaces with React Server Components (RSC).

Model Providers

The Vercel AI SDK supports multiple model providers.


We've built some templates that include AI SDK integrations for different use cases, providers, and frameworks. You can use these templates to get started with your AI-powered application.


Generative UI


Join our Community

If you have questions about anything related to the Vercel AI SDK, you're always welcome to ask our community on GitHub Discussions.